by Mario Bojadzic | May 22, 2020 | Blog sr
Svi biznisi žele da uštede novac kada su u pitanju izdaci. Ta inicijativa zvuči sjajno, ali to može koštati i više od planirane uštede ako primenite taj pristup na svim svojim IT projektima. Dodela nedovoljnih i malih budžeta za vaše projekte rezultiraće nabavkom...
by Mario Bojadzic | May 22, 2020 | Bog post
All businesses want to save money when it comes to expenses. That initiative sounds great, but it can cost more than the planned savings if you apply that approach to all of your IT projects. Allocating insufficient and small budgets for your projects will result in...
by Mario Bojadzic | May 22, 2020 | Blog sr
U nekim situcijama (kako poslovnim tako I životnim) uprava (menadžment, država, bilo koja strana koja nam daje zadatke) ima pogrešan stav, a taj stav je nama iz IT sektora veoma poznat: ne razumem ja taj IT vokabular. Taj stav stvara tendenciju da prepuste IT...
by Mario Bojadzic | May 22, 2020 | Bog post
In some situations (both business and life) the administration (management, the state, any party that gives us tasks) has the wrong attitude, and that attitude is very familiar to us from the IT sector: I do not understand that IT vocabulary. This attitude creates a...
by Mario Bojadzic | May 22, 2020 | Blog sr
Dok radite na projektu, glavni cilj je uvek uspešno završiti proizvod projekta, a samim tim i sam projekat. Uspešno završen projekat znači pravovremeno ostvarenje rezultata u okviru dodeljenog budžeta, ispunjavanje željenih standarda kvaliteta, ostvarenje poslovnih...
by Mario Bojadzic | May 20, 2020 | Blog sr
Kako pravilno koristiti SCRUM uz PRINCE2 projektni menadžment? Primer iz prakse Opis potrebe za projektom Odeljenju prodaje i marketinga bilo je sve teže i teže upravljati svojim poslovnim aktivnostima koristeći samo Microsoft Excel. Tim se širio i ljudi su bili u...
by Mario Bojadzic | May 20, 2020 | Bog post
How to use SCRUM properly with PRINCE2 project management? Case study Description of the need for the project The sales and marketing department found it increasingly difficult and difficult to manage its business activities using Microsoft Excel. The team expanded...
by Mario Bojadzic | May 13, 2020 | Bog post
While working on a project, the main goal is always to successfully complete the project product, and thus the project itself. Successfully completed project means timely achievement of results within the allocated budget, meeting the desired quality standards,...